About Commission
About Commission
The Commission for the Prevention of Corruption is an autonomous and independent state body which, for the purposes of strengthening the effective functioning of the rule of law and safeguarding it from being threatened by corrupt practices, autonomously implements its powers and carries out the tasks set out in Integrity and Prevention of Corruption Act and in other acts within the framework and on the basis of the relevant legislation.
Despite its being a public-sector institution, the Commission is not subordinate to, nor does it receive instructions or guidelines for its work from the Government or the National Assembly. In its activities, it is bound only by the Constitution and the law.
The Commission is not a detection and prosecution body in pre-trial or trial criminal proceedings, but it does possess certain executive, supervisory, and investigative (administrative) powers.
In the narrow sense, the Commission consists of three members – Chief Commissioner and two Deputies -, who decide on substantive matters at sessions; more broadly, the Commission is a state body with leadership and employees in the Office, Operational Services including the Corruption Oversight Bureau and Reporting Persons' Centre, Commissioner's Cabinet, and the Development and Prevention Centre.